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Planning & Development Department

Engineered Plan Submittal Requirements for

One Stop Shop

Build a printable checklist of submittal requirements for technical projects of varying complexity. If you need a Floodplain Permit or a Right-of-Way Permit, be sure to select those options. Click on all items that your plan includes.

Additional Requirements for...

Building Permit
MCDOT Right-of-Way Permit
Floodplain Use Permit

General Requirements (required on all plans)

  • Plan scale and graphic scale. Plans must be drawn to a standard engineering scale. Maximum plan scale is 1 inch equals 40 feet. (1 inch equals 10, 20, 30 or 40 feet)
  • North arrow
  • Plan legend
  • Assessor parcel number
    1. For recently split lots provide the lot split recording information (book, page) and any associated easements.
  • Site address
  • Site location map with north arrow indicating site in relation to nearest cross streets
  • Owner/ Applicant's name, address, phone number & e-mail address
  • Engineer's name, address, phone number & e-mail address
  • Driveway/Site access location(s) and material
  • Easement locations & purpose
  • Location of septic system & leach field
  • The Arizona Registered Professional Civil Engineer signature, seal and date must be revised. Seals, either hand drawn or electronic, must meet AAC R4-30-304 (E) and (G). Revise the seal size to meet AAC R4-30-303 (A) requirements (outside diameter of the seal must be 1-1/2” ± 1/16”).
  • Finished floor statement as follows:

    Finish Floor Certification

    Finshed floors are safe from inundation during a 100-year peak run-off event if constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

  • Engineer's declaration of responsible charge as follows:

    Declaration of Responsible Charge



  • Maricopa County Planning and Development residential general notes & conditions


  • A current topographic survey, including the date of the field survey on which the plans are based.

    For Field Surveys older than (1) Year, a certification of accuracy is required.

  • Certified temporary benchmark (TBM) referenced to site datum.
    1. TBM to be located onsite within 400 feet horizontally and not more then 6 feet vertically from the location of structures.
    2. Provide a description of the TBM and its height relative to grade. (i.e. TBM IP FND 1" AG)
  • Maximum grades for fill slopes shall be 3:1 and 2:1 for cut slopes. Slopes in excess of those specified shall require a geotechnical stability analysis.
  • Cut and fill quantities listed on the cover sheet.
  • Existing and proposed contour lines, drainage patterns, flow direction arrows, and grade breaks. Existing contour lines shall be represented by dashed lines and proposed contours must be represented by bolder, solid lines.


  • Culvert design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.7
  • Up and downstream invert elevations
  • Outlet protection requirements
  • Cross-Section (Profile) view of culvert installations, including invert and headwater elevations; and cover over pipe.
  • Calculations substantiating culvert and rip-rap or other outlet protection design.

Open Channels

  • Channel design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.8
  • Channel side slopes conforming to DPS Tables 6.12, 6.13, & 6.14
  • Typical channel cross section
  • Flow line elevation every 50 feet, and at all grade breaks.
  • Freeboard requirements
  • Calculations substantiating channel design

Erosion Protection (Washes with Flow of 50 cfs or more)

On Lot Retention Basins (For Lots within Subdivisions Requiring On-Lot Retention)

  • Bottom of basin and high water elevations.
  • Grading to tie into surrounding elevations.
  • For retention basins created by berm(s), a minimum 8 foot wide berm top width is required.
  • For basins deeper than one (1) foot, soil percolation tests are required.
  • Basin drain down time calculations for basins deeper than one (1) foot.
  • Calculations for the required 100 year, 2 hour storm volume.
  • Note requiring retention basins to drain within 36 hours:



Rip-Rap, Gabions, And Gabion Mattress

  • Construction details, including requirements for excavation/ embankment of materials and filter fabric.
  • Staking requirements for gabion mattresses
  • Manufacturer's specifications and installation requirements for gabions and gabion mattresses.
  • Calculations substantiating design of rip rap and gabions.

Walls & Fences

  • Construction details for walls and fences See: (
  • Construction details for walls in Sun City/Sun City West See: (
  • Engineer's Certification required for any walls not conforming to standard details.

    "I hereby certify that the walls/wall details shown on the plans will not result in any adverse drainage conditions to the site or surrounding properties."

  • For retaining walls, provide top of retaining wall elevations (TRW) and finish grade elevations on both side of the retaining wall at each wall end and corner/ vertex and any TRW elevation changes.

Drainage Report

  • The Arizona Registered Professional Civil Engineer signature, seal and date must be revised. Seals, either hand drawn or electronic, must meet AAC R4-30-304 (E) and (G). Revise the seal size to meet AAC R4-30-303 (A) requirements (outside diameter of the seal must be 1-1/2” ± 1/16”).
  • Report prepared in accordance with Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.13 or 6.14 as appropriate.
  • Statement indicating that the drainage report has been prepared in accordance with the current versions of the DPS, Drainage Design Manuals for Maricopa County (Volumes 1 | Volume 2) and Section 1205 of the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance.
  • Calculation of off-site runoff flows to the site.
  • Calculations substantiating design of all runoff conveyance and stabilization features (culverts, channels, rip rap, gabions, etc.).
  • Retention calculations for retention volume required, provided and basin drain down time.
  • CD with PDF file of drainage report w/ exhibits and executable files for programs used for analysis (i.e HEC-RAS, FlowMaster, StormCad)

Drainage Report Exhibits

  • Drainage area maps drawn to scale with legend and north arrow.
  • Provide delineation and labels for all drainage areas.
  • Identify all existing and proposed site drainage facilities.
  • Identify all retention basins with basin name, volume required (Vr), volume provided (Vp), high water elevation (HWE), basin bottom elevation (BTM) and depth (D).
  • Label Q100 and Q10 flow quantities for all runoff concentration points.

General Requirements (Right-of-Way Permit)

  • A R/W permit shall be required for all improvements and work within County R/W.
  • R/W permit requirements shall comply with latest adapted County Resolution for Permit to Work in Dedicated Maricopa County Right-Of-Way.
  • All improvements within the R/W shall conform to latest adapted MAG Standard Specification and Details, along with current adapted MCDOT Supplement to MAG Specification and Details.
  • Roadway design standards within the R/W shall comply with latest adopted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM).
  • Roadway classification and sections shall comply with latest adapted MCDOT Major Streets and Routes Plan.
  • Signed R/W permit application with applicant, owner and contractor information.
  • A surety for 100% of the proposed work within the R/W and a contractor's certificate of liability insurance with Maricopa County named as additionally insured.
  • Total R/W permit fee will be based on 3% of the engineer's cost estimate, plus plan review fee of $100 per sheet and a $50 processing fee.
  • If R/W permit work is associated with an onsite building permit project, both permits will be issued at the same time at Maricopa County Planning and Development Department. The R/W permit will not be issued prior to approval and/or issuance of the onsite building permit.
  • R/W permit may only be issued to the applicant listed on the R/W permit application or to his/her delegate. If a person other than the permit applicant will be picking up the R/W permit, that person will be required to present a letter from the applicant authorizing he/she to pickup the permit on their behalf.

New Driveway Connection

  • All new driveways connecting to a paved County road shall be paved within the R/W; driveways shall be paved from existing edge of roadway to the property line.
  • Refer to latest adapted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual for design standards and criteria for improvements within County R/W. See latest MCDOT Residential Driveway Guidelines for additional information.
  • New driveway plans shall identify at a minimum the following: existing County R/W width, proposed driveway width, existing roadway edge of pavement, property line and any existing drainage facilities.
  • Plans need to specifically indicate driveway pavement section to be constructed. Minimum driveway pavement section within the R/W shall be either 2.5" AC over 6" ABC or 5" concrete over native material or as recommended per soil report. Use of other alternative materials shall be reviewed and approved by MCDOT.
  • New driveway connection shall match to existing pavement with neat edge line along existing edge of pavement, sawcut to obtain smooth matchline as needed. Do not remove the thickened edge of pavement if it exists.
  • Driveway width shall be 12' minimum and 24' maximum if serving one single family unit or 30' maximum if serving two or more single family units. If the garage is within 25' of the R/W, the minimum width shall equal the garage opening width.
  • Edge of driveway shall be a minimum of 50' from the near edge of pavement or the near curb line of an intersection street.
  • Driveway connection shall be constructed with minimum 6'x6' - 45° flares or 6' radius (see MAG Std Dtl 205). Flares/radius shall not encroach onto adjacent parcel frontage.
  • Driveways connecting to arterial or major collector roads should use circular driveways with a minimum of 12 feet and a max of 16 feet widths to eliminate backing onto the roadway. If a circular drive is not possible, adequate vehicular turnaround space shall be provided onsite.
  • Driveway surface within the R/W shall be place at existing grade and not adversely impact existing drainage conditions.
  • If culverts are to be constructed to cross roadside drainage ditches or channels, it shall be designed to maintain capacity of the existing drainage facilities and mitigate any increase erosion potential. Culvert in the R/W shall be minimum 18-inch in diameter, reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), corrugated metal pipe (CMP) or approved alternative material. Plastic pipes are not allowed. Culverts should be outside of roadway clear zone and designed to not be a roadside hazard.
  • Driveway design shall meet sign distance requirements per Figure 9.1 of MCDOT RDM>.
  • Driveways connecting to Maricopa County roads with existing vertical curb shall comply with MAG Std Dtl 250
  • Gated driveways shall provide sufficient setback for stopped vehicles to be out of the roadway and clear of public walkways.

Offsite Improvements

Surety Bonds and Contractor Liability Insurance

  • A surety for 100% of the proposed work within the R/W and a contractor's certificate of liability insurance will be required for all permitted improvements within MCDOT R/W, except for permits issued to:
    1. A federal, state, county or municipal agency or political subdivision.
    2. Any public service corporation with a new worth of more than $1,000,000 as reflected by its most current balance sheet.
    3. A resident owner of a residential property where he/she proposes to perform construction himself/herself, in front of his/her own property, which does not obstruct the public street.
  • Surety may be provided in the form of cash/check or performance bonds. A County Performance Bond form may be downloaded here. All performance bonds are reviewed and approved by Maricopa County Attorney's Office. Alternative bond forms may be used, but may require additional review time.
  • Surety amount will be based on an engineer's cost estimate for all improvements to be permitted within County R/W. In-lieu of submitting an engineer's cost estimate, the unit cost table on the R/W permit application may be used.
  • Contractor's certificate of liability insurance shall stipulate "Maricopa County" as additional insured. Minimum insurance limits and examples of required certificates may be downloaded here.
  • Both surety bond and certificate of liability insurance shall be submitted prior to issuance of R/W permit.
  • Permit surety/bond will be released or returned to applicant upon completion and final inspection approval of permitted improvements by MCDOT inspection.

Traffic Control Plan

  • All work within County R/W may require a Traffic Control Plan (TCP). Typically the need for a TCP will be determined based on a pre-construction meeting with inspector after R/W permit have been issued.
  • A R/W permit is required prior to submittal of any Traffic Control Plans.
  • TCP is required for improvements within 20' of edge of pavement, divert, detour, or interrupt the normal flow of traffic within County R/W.
  • Minimum of 2 working day notice is required for all Traffic Control Plan review and approval.
  • Traffic Control Plan submittal form is required for each TCP.
  • TCP shall be submitted to MCDOT for review and approval. TCP will not be accepted over the counter.
  • TCP shall comply with latest adapted MCDOT Traffic Sign Manual and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).


  • Onsite building setbacks along street frontage are measured from the ultimate future R/W line. Half street R/W widths are based on street/alignment classification as indicated on latest adapted MCDOT Major Streets and Routes Plan.
  • A reduction in street R/W width may be requested by submitting a Request for Future Right-of-Way Reservation Reduction form to MCDOT.
  • Any fencing to be constructed within current or future MCDOT R/W limits will require submittal and approval of a MCDOT Temporary Fence Waiver. Waiver form may be downloaded from MCDOT website.

General Requirements

  • A completed Floodplain Use Permit Application, and Warning & Disclaimer form is attached.
  • FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel number and effective date.
  • Location and designation of current or pending Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) (Floodplains & Floodways)
  • Determination of Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and Regulated Flood Elevation (RFE).
  • Location of improvements in relation to SFHA's.
  • Substantial improvement worksheet for floodplain construction (if required).

Clearance for Disturbance within Regulated Special Flood Hazard Areas(s)


  • The amount of vegetation to be removed in the floodplain is the minimum necessary.
  • Fill material will not interfere with local drainage or flow of the main channel of any watercourse. The fill will not impact the base flood elevation. The fill material extends at least 5 feet beyond the walls or supporting frame of the structure.
  • At no point is the top of the fill material lower than the Base Flood Elevation.
  • Adequate erosion protection of the fill has been provided.
  • For any development or grading within a Zone A ponding, Zone AH, or Zone AO ponding area the volume of displacement has been equally compensated for from within the same ponding area.
  • For ponding areas Zone A, Zone AH, or Zone AO the effective lateral conveyance has been preserved.
  • Some grading (cut or fill) will take place in the floodway, and an engineering analysis has determined that the proposed work will not increase flood heights. A copy of this analysis is being provided along with a No-rise Certificate.
  • The proposed project will require revisions to the floodplain or floodway limits either horizontally, vertically, or both. The required analysis and documentation has been provided. This situation usually requires a submittal to FEMA for a CLOMR and LOMR, or occasionally just a LOMR.

Clearance for Structures Placed within Regulated Special Flood Hazard Areas(s)


  • No buildings or portions of building are proposed to be located within the floodway.
  • Flood resistant material will be used for any portion of any building below the Regulatory Flood Elevation.
  • The lowest floor elevation (including basements, crawl spaces, attached garage, or crawl spaces) is at or above the Regulatory Flood Elevation.
  • The proposed building or existing buildings have floors or enclosed areas (including basements or crawl spaces) below the Regulatory Flood Elevation. This includes any attached garages, or enclosed areas below a manufactured home.
  • For manufactured homes, mobile homes, or modular building the bottom of the structural frame is at above the Regulatory Flood Elevation.
  • For manufactured homes, mobile homes, or modular building the anchorage provided meets or exceeds the requirements to prevent flotation, collapse, or movement of the structure and any additions. All components of the anchoring system are capable of carrying a force of 4,800 pounds.
  • If applicable and located within the floodplain the pool equipment breaker box is elevated a minimum of 24" above natural ground in Zone AO, or above 36" above natural ground in all other zones.
  • The plans show the location and anchoring system for any storage or shipping containers, including underground storage tanks.
  • The plans show the location of any recreational vehicle that will remain on site for more than 180 days, and won't be licensed and ready for highway use. Such recreational vehicles will be regulated as a manufactured home.
  • The plans show the location of any storage material or equipment and that it is firmly anchored to prevent flotation, or that it is readily removable.

Additional Requirements for LOMA, LOMR and CLOMRs


  • The applicant has attached and filled out the FEMA MT-1 or MT-2 forms needed for a LOMA, LOMR, or CLOMR submittal to FEMA.
  • The applicant has organized the information needed for a LOMA, LOMR, CLOMR submittal to FEMA following the requirements of Arizona State Standard 1, Technical Support Data Notebook.

Additional Requirements - Post Development


  • The applicant understands that a FEMA Elevation Certificate must be submitted and approved prior to the final inspection, or before occupancy.
  • The applicant understands that a FEMA Flood Proofing Certificate must be submitted and approved prior to the final inspection, or before occupancy.

Additional Requirements for...

Building Permit
MCDOT Right-of-Way Permit
Floodplain Use Permit

General Requirements (required on all plans)

  • Plan scale and graphic scale. Plans must be drawn to a standard engineering scale. Maximum plan scale is 1 inch equals 40 feet.(1 inch equals 10, 20, 30 or 40 feet)
  • North arrow
  • Plan legend
  • Assessor parcel number
    1. For recently split lots provide the lot split recording information (book, page) and any associated easements.
  • Site address
  • Site location map with north arrow indicating site in relation to nearest cross streets
  • Owner/Applicant's name, address, phone number & e-mail address
  • Engineer's name, address, phone number & e-mail address
  • Driveway/Site access location(s) and material
  • Easement locations & purpose
  • Location of septic system & leach field
  • The Arizona Registered Professional Civil Engineer signature, seal and date must be revised. Seals, either hand drawn or electronic, must meet AAC R4-30-304 (E) and (G). Revise the seal size to meet AAC R4-30-303 (A) requirements (outside diameter of the seal must be 1-1/2” ± 1/16”).
  • Finished floor statement as follows:

    Finish Floor Certification

    Finshed floors are safe from inundation during a 100-year peak run-off event if constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

  • Engineer's declaration of responsible charge as follows:

    Declaration of Responsible Charge



  • Maricopa County Planning and Development commercial general notes & conditions


  • A current topographic survey, including the date of the field survey on which the plans are based.

    For Field Surveys older than (1) Year, a certification of accuracy is required.

  • Certified temporary benchmark (TBM) referenced to site datum.
    1. TBM to be located onsite within 400 feet horizontally and not more then 6 feet vertically from the location of structures.
    2. Provide a description of the TBM and its height relative to grade. (i.e. TBM IP FND 1" AG)
  • Maximum grades for fill slopes shall be 3:1 and 2:1 for cut slopes. Slopes in excess of those specified shall require a geotechnical stability analysis.
  • Cut and fill quantities listed on the cover sheet.
  • Existing and proposed contour lines, drainage patterns, flow direction arrows, and grade breaks. Existing contour lines shall be represented by dashed lines and proposed contours must be represented by bolder, solid lines.


  • Culvert design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.7
  • Up and downstream invert elevations
  • Outlet protection requirements
  • Cross-Section (Profile) view of culvert installations, including invert and headwater elevations; and cover over pipe.
  • Calculations substantiating culvert and rip-rap or other outlet protection design.

Open Channels

  • Channel design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.8
  • Channel side slopes conforming to DPS Tables 6.12, 6.13, & 6.14
  • Typical channel cross section
  • Flow line elevation every 50 feet, and at all grade breaks.
  • Freeboard requirements
  • Calculations substantiating channel design

Street Drainage

  • Street drainage design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.5
  • Typical street cross section.
  • Roadway profiles.
  • Calculations substantiating street drainage design.
  • Calculations substantiating curb opening design at catch basins, scuppers and/or chutes.

Street Drains

Erosion Protection (Washes with Flow of 50 cfs or more)

Retention Basins

  • Retention basin design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards DPS 6.10.
  • Bottom of basin and high water elevations.
  • Grading to tie into surrounding elevations.
  • For basins within residential subdivisions, 1 foot of freeboard is required.
  • Maximum 100 year, 2 hour storm retention basin depth of 3 feet.
  • Maximum retention basin side slopes of 4:1.
  • Barrier fencing is required when retention basin checklist items 5 and 6 are exceeded.
  • For retention basins created by berm(s), a minimum 8 foot wide berm top width is required.
  • For basins deeper than one (1) foot, drywells or soil percolation tests are required. Otherwise, drywells must be indicated.
  • Calculations for the required 100 year, 2 hour storm volume.
  • Basin drain down time calculations for basin deeper than one (1) foot. Design rate for drywells shall be 0.1 cfs/drywell. As-built percolation tests may result in an increase or reduction in the number of drywells required.
  • Bubbler systems shall conform to City of Chandler Detail C507. Bleed off pipes must connect to a Maxwell-Plus type drywell.
  • Emergency spillway location, details and calculations substantiating its design.
  • For bleed-off systems, provide a minimum 18” diameter bleed-off pipe.
  • For bleed-off systems, provide first flush volume of runoff and calculations documenting that the basin will drain in no less than 24 hours and no more than 36 hours.
  • Note requiring retention basins to drain within 36 hours:



Underground Retention (Discouraged for use in subdivision development)

  • Design conforming to Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards DPS 6.10.9.
  • Certification from system manufacturer for a minimum 75 year service life.
  • Maintenance Plan.
  • Geotechnical Report (soil borings indicating depth to groundwater) and corrosivity (soil pH) testing for metal (CMP, CAP) systems.
  • Soil percolation testing in accordance with DPS 6.10.12.
  • Construction details of all system components.
  • Note requiring retention basins to drain within 36 hours.
  • Calculations for the required 100 year, 2 hour storm volume.
  • Basin drain down time calculations. Design rate for drywells shall be 0.1 cfs/drywell. As-built percolation tests may result in an increase or reduction in the number of drywells required.
  • Third party inspections will be required for most underground retention systems.

Rip-Rap, Gabions, And Gabion Mattress

  • Construction details, including requirements for excavation/embankment of materials and filter fabric.
  • Staking requirements for gabion mattresses
  • Manufacturer's specifications and installation requirements for gabions and gabion mattresses.
  • Calculations substantiating design of rip rap and gabions.

Walls & Fences

  • Construction details for walls and fences See: (
  • Construction details for walls in Sun City/Sun City West See: (
  • Engineer's Certification required for any walls not conforming to standard details.

    "I hereby certify that the walls/wall details shown on the plans will not result in any adverse drainage conditions to the site or surrounding properties."

  • For retaining walls, provide top of retaining wall elevations (TRW) and finish grade elevations on both side of the retaining wall at each wall end and corner/ vertex and any TRW elevation changes.

Drainage Report

  • The Arizona Registered Professional Civil Engineer signature, seal and date must be revised. Seals, either hand drawn or electronic, must meet AAC R4-30-304 (E) and (G). Revise the seal size to meet AAC R4-30-303 (A) requirements (outside diameter of the seal must be 1-1/2” ± 1/16”).
  • Report prepared in accordance with Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards (DPS) 6.13 or 6.14 as appropriate.
  • Statement indicating that the drainage report has been prepared in accordance with the current versions of the DPS, Drainage Design Manuals for Maricopa County (Volumes 1 | Volume 2) and Section 1205 of the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance.
  • Calculation of off-site runoff flows to the site.
  • Calculations substantiating design of all runoff conveyance and stabilization features (culverts, channels, rip rap, gabions, etc.).
  • Retention calculations for retention volume required, provided and basin drain down time.
  • CD with PDF file of drainage report w/ exhibits and executable files for programs used for analysis (i.e HEC-RAS, FlowMaster, StormCad)

Drainage Report Exhibits

  • Drainage area maps drawn to scale with legend and north arrow.
  • Provide delineation and labels for all drainage areas.
  • Identify all existing and proposed site drainage facilities.
  • Identify all retention basins with basin name, volume required (Vr), volume provided (Vp), high water elevation (HWE), basin bottom elevation (BTM) and depth (D).
  • Label Q100 and Q10 flow quantities for all runoff concentration points.

General Requirements (Right-of-Way Permit)

  • A R/W permit shall be required for all improvements and work within County R/W.
  • R/W permit requirements shall comply with latest adapted County Resolution for Permit to Work in Dedicated Maricopa County Right-Of-Way.
  • All improvements within the R/W shall conform to latest adapted MAG Standard Specification and Details, along with current adapted MCDOT Supplement to MAG Specification and Details.
  • Roadway design standards within the R/W shall comply with latest adopted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM).
  • Roadway classification and sections shall comply with latest adapted MCDOT Major Streets and Routes Plan.
  • R/W permit are valid for 6 months from date of issuance, permit may be extended an additional 6 month if required.
  • Engineered improvement plans within the R/W shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer (Civil) with current State of Arizona registration. Date of engineer's signature shall not exceed date of plan submittal by more than 1 year.
  • Engineered improvement plans shall be submitted on a consistent sheet size not to exceed 24" x TRA36" and shall be drawn to a minimum scale of 1-inch = 40 feet. A scale of 1-inch = 20 feet is prefer for Paving plan and profile sheets.
  • Plan coversheet shall include project title, plan type, applicant contact information, vicinity map with section, township, range, sheet index, plan legend and MCDOT General Notes.
  • Provide a north arrow and plan scale with a scale bar for all construction plan sheets.
  • Provide a plan legend to include all linework, symbols and hatching used on plan. Legend should be plan specific, do not include items not on plan.
  • Construction plan sheets shall clearly indicate existing and proposed R/W widths and Maricopa County jurisdictional limits if improvements are adjacent to another jurisdiction.
  • All proposed modified standard MAG or MCDOT details shall be provided on construction plans, with the modification specifically callout on the construction note and modified detail.

Permit Requirements

  • Signed R/W permit application with applicant, owner and contractor information.
  • A surety for 100% of the proposed work within the R/W and a contractor's certificate of liability insurance with Maricopa County named as additionally insured.
  • Three set of construction plan if submitting for R/W permit improvement only. If submittal is associated with an onsite building permit submittal, number of plan sets require shall be based on onsite building permit submittal requirements.
  • Total R/W permit fee will be based on 3% of the engineer's cost estimate, plus plan review fee of $100 per sheet and a $50 processing fee.
  • If R/W permit work is associated with an onsite building permit project, both permits will be issued at the same time at Maricopa County Planning and Development Department. The R/W permit will not be issued prior to approval and/or issuance of the onsite building permit.
  • R/W permit may only be issued to the applicant listed on the R/W permit application or to his/her delegate. If a person other than the permit applicant will be picking up the R/W permit, that person will be required to present a letter from the applicant authorizing he/she to pickup the permit on their behalf.

Offsite Improvements

  • Traffic Impact Study (TIS) is required for all subdivision/commercial entitlement projects (i.e. Zoning, Plan of Development, Special Use Plan, etc….).
  • TIS shall indentify existing traffic volumes and conditions, development traffic volumes and conditions and their combined impacts on the existing and future roadway system.
  • TIS format and design standard shall follow and comply with latest adapted MCDOT Traffic Impact Procedures and Roadway Design Manual.
  • See Table 1 of MCDOT Traffic Impact Procedures manual to determine the analysis category for the site.
  • The desire Level of Service for each roadway classification shall comply with Section 2.1 of the latest adapted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual.
  • TIS shall provide improvement recommendations and design requirements for all impacted roadways. (i.e. signal warrents, roadway section, design speed, turn lanes, etc.)
  • TIS shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer (Civil) with current State of Arizona registration.

Right-of-Way Dedication

  • Half street R/W dedications along site frontage will be required for all subdivision/commercial entitlement projects (i.e. Zoning, Plan of Development, Special Use Plan, etc….).
  • Half street R/W widths are based on street/alignment classification as indicated on latest adapted MCDOT Major Streets and Routes Plan.
  • R/W may be dedicated to the County by means of final plat or by separate instrument.
  • R/W to be dedicated shall be free of all incumbrances.
  • R/W to be dedicated to the County by separate instrument will be processed by Maricopa County Real Estate Department at 2801 W. Durango Street Phoenix AZ.
  • R/W to be dedicated by final plat will be process and reviewed by Maricopa County Planning and Development Dept.
  • TCP shall comply with latest adapted MCDOT Traffic Sign Manual and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Roadway Improvements

  • Roadway design standards within the R/W shall comply with latest adopted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM).
  • Roadway classification and section shall comply with latest adopted MCDOT Major Streets and Routes Plan and Chapter 5 of MCDOT RDM.
  • Roadway drainage design criteria shall comply with latest adopted Drainage Policies and Standards for Maricopa County, Drainage Design Manual of Maricopa County - Volumes I, II and III.
  • Roadway improvements shall comply with approved project zoning stipulations and improvement recommendations per Traffic Impact Study.
  • Roadway pavement section shall comply with minimum structural number per Chapter 10 of MCDOT RDM or as recommended by Geotechnical report.
  • Provide typical pavement section for all roadway improvements; include depth of AC, ABC and subgrade. The minimum roadway pavement section within the R/W shall be 2.5 inch A/C over 6 inch ABC.
  • Roadway pavement sections should be design with a typical 2% cross slope, with 1% minimum and 3% maximum grade desired.
  • Vertical curves are required for roadway grade-breaks with algebraic difference in grades as follow:
    1. 0.2% Federal Aid Projects
    2. 0.3% Equal to or greater than 55 mph design speed
    3. 0.5% Equal to or greater than, 40 mph, but less than 55 mph
    4. 1.0% Less than 40 mph design speed and 2% for Local residential street
  • Minimum clear zone from edge of traveled way shall be maintained per Section 5.25 of MCDOT RDM. Local roads shall have a minimum clear zone width of 10 feet.
  • Safety edge or thicken edge required for all non-curbed pavement edges per MCDOT RDM SECTION 5.35:
    1. MAG 201 Safety Edge required for roadway speeds greater than 40mph
    2. MAG 201 Type B Thicken Edge for roadway speeds less than 40mph
  • Minimum 2' sawcut required for existing pavement replacement cuts.
  • Match point location for longitudinal pavement cuts shall not be located within a lane wheel path, per MCDOT supplement to MAG Specification 336.3.
  • No "floating edge" allowed for pavement replacements. The match point for the outer edge of longitudinal trenches shall not be located within 48” of any pavement edge, per MCDOT supplement to MAG Specification 336.3.
  • Survey marker per MAG 120 required at all street intersections and centerline point of curvature (PC, PT).
  • No inverted crown roadway sections allowed within MCDOT R/W.
  • Provide a typical cross section for all roadways, callout typical section dimensions, cross slopes and improvements, both existing and proposed (i.e. curb, pavement section, sidewalk, etc.).
  • Roadway transitional taper shall be determined per Section 5.20 of MCDOT RDM.
  • Minimum curb return radius at street intersection shall comply with Table 6.1 of MCDOT RDM.
  • Minimum 5' width sidewalk required per MAG Std Dtl 230 for all urban roadway sections.
  • Minimum 2.5' distance required between back of sidewalk and R/W line.
  • Left and right turn lane storage length shall be determined per TIA report, with minimum 75' storage length for unsignalized intersections and 160' for signalized intersections. See Section 6.1 of MCDOT RDM for additionaldesign standards.
  • Right-In/Right-Out “Pork-chop” design shall comply with Section 7.7 and Figures 7.6 and 7.7 of MCDOT RDM.
  • Minimum driveway separation distance shall comply with Table 7.4 and 7.5 of MCDOT RDM.

Drainage and Utility Improvements

  • Roadway drainage design standards and design storms criteria shall comply with Table 6.7 of Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards manual.
  • Local and Minor Collector streets shall be designed to convey peak runoff for the 10yr storm event within roadway top of curb and maintain max flow depth of 8-inch within vehicular travel lanes for the 100yr storm event.
  • Arterial, Major Collector and All-Weather Access streets shall be designed to convey peak runoff for the 10yr storm event within roadway top of curb, while maintaining one 12-foot dry driving lane in each direction. For the 100yr storm event, a max flow depth of 6-inch shall be maintain within vehicular travel lanes.
  • Local streets shall be designed with culverts to convey the peak runoff for the 10yr storm event at drainage crossings and maintain max flow depth of 8-inch within vehicular travel lanes for the 100yr storm event.
  • Collector streets shall be designed with culverts to convey the peak runoff for the 25yr storm event at drainage crossings and maintain max flow depth of 6-inch within vehicular travel lanes for the 100yr storm event.
  • Arterial and All-Wealth Access streets shall be designed with culverts to convey the peak runoff for the 50yr storm event at drainage crossings and maintain max flow depth of 6-inch within vehicular travel lanes for the 100yr storm event.
  • Standard MAG headwall and handrails shall be provided for all culvert structures within the R/W.
  • No retention shall be allowed within County R/W, or PUE.
  • Minimum pipe culvert diameter for roadway crossing is 24-inches and 18-inch for driveway culverts pipes, per Section 4.7 MCDOT RDM.
  • Minimum storm drain pipe in the R/W shall be 18-inches per Section 4.7 MCDOT RDM.
  • Plan profile shall be provided for all storm drain pipes within the R/W. Pipe profile to show existing and finish grade, existing and proposed utilities crossings and hydraulic grade line (HGL) for the design event.
  • Trench compaction shall be per MCDOT Supplement to MAG and MAG Specifications Section 601.
  • Trench backfill within existing paved areas, roadway shoulders, unpaved roadways and within two feet (2') from the edge of pavement shall be half (1/2) sack or 1 sack CLSM per MCDOT Supplement to MAG Specifications 601.4.3.
  • Unused or abandoned utility facilities in the right-of-way shall be removed.
  • Public utility facilities existing at the time of roadway improvements shall be relocated to non-conflicting locations.

Signing and Striping Improvements

  • Any project located fully or partially within Maricopa County jurisdiction shall require a signing and striping plan to be submitted for review/approval.
  • All signs shall be in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), The Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Signing Manual, and the MCDOT Supplement to the Maricopa Association of Governments' (MAG) Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction.
  • Show the existing roadway conditions including the entire right-of-way width. Show how the proposed project ties into the existing roadway.
  • Show the existing roadway including signing and striping for 500 feet (minimum) prior to the beginning of this project and for 500 feet (minimum) beyond the end of this project.
  • Show stationing for all intersections, existing signs, and new signing.
  • Identify and show stationing for all accesses, excluding single residential access, i.e., roadways, commercial strip centers, emergency facilities, schools, post office, hospitals, etc.
  • Show Design Speed of roadway(s) on the Signing Summary Sheet.
  • Show all advance traffic signal loops in the pavement (where applicable).
  • Dimension and show all City Limits & County Rights-of-Way.
  • Show the existing striping in dashed lines (line wt. 0) & proposed striping in solid lines (line wt. 1). Show all lane widths (12', 14', etc) & the length of all left-turn/right-turn lanes, (100', 160' etc). All existing/proposed striping on the plans are to be exactly as they exist in the field, i.e., 10' line / 30' gap.
  • Show a depiction of all existing and new signing within the County Right-of Way. All existing signing on the plans shall be shown exactly as they exist in the field. All new signing shall be shown exactly as they are to be installed. Orientate all signing so that they are parallel with the roadway and are facing the direction of intended traffic. Below each sign depiction show the sign code, dimension and stationing. For an existing sign; show whether the sign is "To Remain" or to "Remove & Salvage". Above each sign depiction show whether the sign is "Existing" or "New".
  • Prepare and submit Signing Summary Sheet with all pertinent information.

Landscaping Improvements

  • Landscapes improvement within County R/W shall require R/W permit and comply with Chapter 9 of the latest adapted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual.
  • County does not require landscaping improvement within the R/W for new development projects unless approved undi. All proposed landscape improvements shall be installed and maintained by property owner adjacent to the R/W.
  • Intersection sight triangle and distance shall comply with Figure 9.1 of the latest adapted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual.
  • Trees, large shrubs and cacti whose trunk diameter at maturity will exceed 4 inches are considered hazardous objects and are not to be planted within roadway clear zone within the R/W.
  • See Table 9.1 of latest adapted MCDOT Roadway Design Manual for approved plant list within County R/W.

Traffic Control Plan

  • All work within County R/W may require a Traffic Control Plan (TCP). Typically the need for a TCP will be determined based on pre-construction meeting with inspector after R/W permit has been issued.
  • A R/W permit is required prior to submittal of any Traffic Control Plans.
  • TCP is required for improvements within 20' of edge of pavement, divert, detour, or interrupt the normal flow of traffic within County R/W.
  • Minimum of 2 working day notice is required for all Traffic Control Plan review and approval.
  • Traffic Control Plan submittal form is required for each TCP, form may be downloaded from MCDOT website.
  • TCP shall be submitted to MCDOT for review and approval. TCP will not be accepted over the counter.
  • TCP shall comply with latest adapted MCDOT Traffic Sign Manual and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Surety Bonds and Contractor Liability Insurance

  • A surety for 100% of the proposed work within the R/W and a contractor's certificate of liability insurance will be required for all permitted improvements within MCDOT R/W, except for permits issued to:
    1. A federal, state, county or municipal agency or political subdivision.
    2. Any public service corporation with a new worth of more than $1,000,000 as reflected by its most current balance sheet.
    3. A resident owner of a residential property where he/she proposes to perform construction himself/herself, in front of his/her own property, which does not obstruct the public street.
  • Surety may be provided in the form of cash/check or performance bonds. A County Performance Bond form may be downloaded here. All performance bonds are reviewed and approved by Maricopa County Attorney's Office. Alternative bond forms may be used, but may require additional review time.
  • Surety amount will be based on an engineer's cost estimate for all improvements to be permitted within County R/W. In-lieu of submitting an engineer's cost estimate, the unit cost table on the R/W permit application may be used.
  • Contractor's certificate of liability insurance shall stipulate "Maricopa County" as additional insured. Minimum insurance limits and examples of required certificates may be downloaded here.Sample Insurance Form (PDF)
  • Both surety bond and certificate of liability insurance shall be submitted prior to issuance of R/W permit.
  • Permit surety/bond will be released or returned to applicant upon completion and final inspection approval of permitted improvements by MCDOT inspection.

MCDOT Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

  • Offsite improvements for developments adjacent to a MCDOT Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project shall comply with MCDOT TIP project design. See MCDOT TIP manual for list of current and proposed projects.
  • If adjacent to a MCDOT TIP, developments are required to provide both R/W dedication and offsite improvements along site frontage to comply with MCDOT TIP project design requirements.
  • Development construction permit approval will be contingent on compliance with TIP project design. TIP project compliance will be coordinated through the MCDOT TIP project manager.
  • Developments adjacent to a MCDOT TIP project have the option to provide a cash contribution to a TIP project for the portion of their site frontage, in-lieu of constructing the ultimate half street improvements.
  • TIP project in-lieu payment amount will be based on amount of development frontage along the TIP and the project cost estimate, as determined by MCDOT.
  • Developments providing in-lieu cash contributions to a TIP project will be responsible for only the interim roadway improvements along site frontage.

General Requirements

  • A completed Floodplain Use Permit Application, and Warning & Disclaimer form is attached.
  • FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel number and effective date.
  • Location and designation of current or pending Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) (Floodplains & Floodways)
  • Determination of Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and Regulated Flood Elevation (RFE).
  • Location of improvements in relation to SFHA's.
  • Substantial improvement worksheet for floodplain construction (if required).

Clearance for Disturbance within Regulated Special Flood Hazard Areas(s)


  • The amount of vegetation to be removed in the floodplain is the minimum necessary.
  • Fill material will not interfere with local drainage or flow of the main channel of any watercourse. The fill will not impact the base flood elevation. The fill material extends at least 5 feet beyond the walls or supporting frame of the structure.
  • At no point is the top of the fill material lower than the Base Flood Elevation.
  • Adequate erosion protection of the fill has been provided.
  • For any development or grading within a Zone A ponding, Zone AH, or Zone AO ponding area the volume of displacement has been equally compensated for from within the same ponding area.
  • For ponding areas Zone A, Zone AH, or Zone AO the effective lateral conveyance has been preserved.
  • For grading (cut or fill) that will take place in the floodway, provide an engineering analysis to demonstrate that the proposed work will not increase flood heights. A copy of this analysis is being provided along with a No-rise Certificate.
  • For projects that will require revisions to the floodplain or floodway limits either horizontally, vertically, or both. The required analysis and documentation has been provided. This situation usually requires a submittal to FEMA for a CLOMR and LOMR, or occasionally just a LOMR.

Clearance for Structures Placed within Regulated Special Flood Hazard Areas(s)


  • No buildings or portions of building are proposed to be located within the floodway.
  • Flood resistant material will be used for any portion of any building below the Regulatory Flood Elevation.
  • The lowest floor elevation (including basements, crawl spaces, attached garage, or crawl spaces) is at or above the Regulatory Flood Elevation.
  • The proposed building or existing buildings have floors or enclosed areas (including basements or crawl spaces) below the Regulatory Flood Elevation. This includes any attached garages, or enclosed areas below a manufactured home.
  • For manufactured homes, mobile homes, or modular building the bottom of the structural frame is at above the Regulatory Flood Elevation.
  • For manufactured homes, mobile homes, or modular building the anchorage provided meets or exceeds the requirements to prevent flotation, collapse, or movement of the structure and any additions. All components of the anchoring system are capable of carrying a force of 4,800 pounds.
  • If applicable and located within the floodplain the pool equipment breaker box is elevated a minimum of 24" above natural ground in Zone AO, or above 36" above natural ground in all other zones.
  • The plans show the location and anchoring system for any storage or shipping containers, including underground storage tanks.
  • The plans show the location of any recreational vehicle that will remain on site for more than 180 days, and won't be licensed and ready for highway use. Such recreational vehicles will be regulated as a manufactured home.
  • The plans show the location of any storage material or equipment and that it is firmly anchored to prevent flotation, or that it is readily removable.

Additional Requirements for LOMA, LOMR and CLOMRs


  • The applicant has attached and filled out the FEMA MT-1 or MT-2 forms needed for a LOMA, LOMR, or CLOMR submittal to FEMA.
  • The applicant has organized the information needed for a LOMA, LOMR, CLOMR submittal to FEMA following the requirements of Arizona State Standard 1, Technical Support Data Notebook.

Additional Requirements - Post Development


  • The applicant understands that a FEMA Elevation Certificate must be submitted and approved prior to the final inspection, or before occupancy.
  • The applicant understands that a FEMA Flood Proofing Certificate must be submitted and approved prior to the final inspection, or before occupancy.